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Television Quizzes

TV series quizzes are a fun and engaging way to test your knowledge of your favorite TV shows. They can also be a great way to learn more about new TV shows and discover new genres!

Check out our quizzes and see if you can remember character names on a specific TV show, or name the TV shows that have won awards!

Name all the UK X Factor winners

Can you name all the winners of the UK X Factor series from 2004 to 2018?

Name all the Strictly Come Dancing winners

Can you name all the winners of the Strictly Come Dancing series from 2004 to 2022?

Name the Friends Guest stars from the clue

Can you name the actor or actress who appeared as a guest star in Friends from the clue?

Name all the Dancing with the Stars winners

Can you name all the winners of the US Dancing with the Stars series?

Name the sitcom from the leading characters

Can you name the sitcom from the leading characters in the show?

Name the host of the UK game show

Can you name the host of the popular UK TV game show?

Name the Eastenders Character

Can you name the Eastenders character from the actor playing the role?